FTC Blogger Disclosure, Affilate Link Disclosure

BLOGGER DISCLOSURE Sometimes I receive products or services compliments of a company that I’ve reviewed a product or service for, but often my posts are merely based on products or services we on our own use and or subscribe to. If I am blogging about a Sponsored post or a product review that is based on a product I was provided in order to review it will be disclosed (i.e.: product or service was provided free for review, at a discount for review or is sponsored as it is something I believe in doing and have been doing even before it was required) and will only be of a product or service that we have tried or actually use otherwise, I won’t promote it From time to time this blog will feature a post or contest that is sponsored, but again the opinions I give are my own and are based on me and my families experience with said products or services. Not all blog posts, (in fact most) are not sponsored, sometimes I do receive something as a sample or I’ve won via a contest or I’ve simply purchased it and wished to share my experience of the product or services with my readers. I have done product testing, secret shopping as well as product reviews for 15 years now.

AFFILATE LINK DISCLOSURE **I’m also a member of a few affiliate programs. This means if you purchase an item from my link, I might receive a commission, free product or credits towards a product or a service we use. I only share products and services that I would personally use or have used and I think might be of interest to my readers. Thank you for support these sponsors or referral links which helps support this blog as well as my family and I.** A contest on this blog or even a post may contain links to a company’s own social media pages, however, it is not sponsored by those social media pages, merely a link relating to the post or contest.

***This blog, as well as some of the posts may contain affiliate links. If you make a purchase from one of these links, I may be compensated a small commission for purchases that you make. Thank you for your support.n>