Product Review Polices

PRODUCT REVIEW POLICIES Though I really appreciate receiving and enjoy trying new products or services, I do have high standards and some rules.

1) I will only give an honest review: good, bad, glowing or anything in between, sorry those are my rules about product and service reviewing! 

2) I’m sorry, if I or we haven’t tried your product or service, I’m not giving it a review, I just feel it would be wrong for me to review a product or service I've never tried, plus unfair to my readers. 

3) I do not respond to the demands of a glowing review (yes, I’ve gotten those kinds of demands)

I’d be happy to share a discount code on my blog as well as social media if I am provided with one.

I’d also run a giveaway on my blog as long as the prize or prize package is of at least a $35.00 or more in value.

My Main policy is that I will only review a product that I have in fact tried and I only give an honest and fair review.

This disclaimer is added to my sponsored reviews and posts: **I received this product for free or at a discount in exchange for my opinions, however my thoughts and opinions are my own, the brand has had no say so or input in my review and if that had been a requirement I NEVER would have agreed to review.

If you have a product or service that fits well with this blog, feel free to contact me at to discuss your product or service for a PR review or Sponsored post.

*I'm a foodie, flexitarian, coffee, and tea lover, I've reviews food and beverages, books, movies, products as well as services.

**For Beauty, Personal Care, Skincare, Household Cleaners, products must be Cruelty-Free. 

***Small Business, Eco-Friendly, companies is a big interest of mine as well as my audience as well.

Thank you for your interest and enjoy your day. Missy

****This blog, as well as some of the posts may contain affiliate links. If you make a purchase from one of these links, I may be compensated a small commission for purchases that you make. Thank you for your support.n>