
Happy 2017!

2016 Was a year of many more downs and losses than ups, plus it was a year that my knee, as well as back, plagued me, so though I am very thankful for every day and each breath, I am happy that 2017 is here.

I am not really one for making “New Year’s Resolutions” however, I plan on taking charge of my health and fitness this year like I always had except for the past 2 years. Between the downs, too few ups, the PCS’s and other challenges I shut down a bit and prior I had been a healthy, athletic person. Plus, I have a bad habit of putting myself last all the time and have for years.

Here are a few of my health and fitness goals moving forward:

Get more sleep and better quality sleep, I’ve had sleep issues since I was little, plus the fact that I am a light sleeper its bee hard to get back into a healthy sleep cycle.

Lose some weight

Tone Up

Go back to my morning fruit and protein smoothies and the occasional juice fasts. My body just feels great when I do this, plus I’ll be honest for the past 2 years I rarely eat breakfast and I know breakfast can make or break your day energy and focus wise.

Get back into overnight oats, I used to love them, I just got away from them during our last PCS

Green Tea Daily, though I love COFFEE! A cup of hot or iced Green Tea is refreshing and energizing to me.

More vegetables, grains and beans and not just on “Meatless Monday”, though I really do try and be good at this one, hubby is so not on board, so too often I just settle and have what I make him for dinner, but I can always make a batch of grains or beans ahead of time or just make and extra side of a different vegetable or roast more pans of vegetables.

Get back into practicing Yoga on a regular basis, I used to practice 5 days a week and honestly my old injuries hurt less when I did.

Taking some me time and have an at home spa day, this gal needs more bubble baths, face masks and piggy polish in her life! lol

Enjoy more time in the yard enjoy nature and not just to play with the dogs. We are lucky to live in a beautiful state and have greenbelt, so we always have picture worthy views, birds, butterflies, seasonal snow and more.

So, for me, 2017 will be back to being me again!

Do you make “New Year’s resolutions”? Do you have any health and fitness goals for 2017?